West Lancashire District Meeting
The Allied Mason Degree District of West Lancashire held it's showcase meeting on Saturday 28th.April 2018 at Cunliffe Hall, Cunliffe Street Chorley. The hall and the furniture were set up the night before by the hard-working secretariat led by equally hard-working District Grand Secretary Worshipful Brother Geoffrey Catterall Past Grand Junior Deacon. although the meeting was scheduled to start at 11.00am the District Grand Directors of Ceremonies team request the District Officers to be there early to facilitate a practice and then a rehearsal of the entry and recession into and out of District Grand Council. Whilst the arriving guests, some of which had come goodly distances, were enjoying their bacon butties and tea / coffee the District Officers were hard at it under the direction of the District Grand Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Raymond Pye Grand Steward, Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Raymond Keith Lamb Past District Grand Junior Warden and the soon to be retired Assistant District Grand Director of Ceremonies Right Worshipful Brother Douglas John Forster Past Grand Junior Warden.
D.G.P. and Dep.D.G.P. make an entrance
District Officers 2018 / 19
The Brethren in compliance with the request to be seated by 10.45am took their seats in the upper temple. The Distinguished Guests from other Districts were introduced and escorted into the Temple by Acting Deacons Worshipful Brother John Charles Bicknell Past Grand Steward and Worshipful Brother Ernie Gavan Past District Grand Junior Warden / District Grand Sword Bearer. The District Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and the District Grand Officers entered the temple and formed a guard, then he announced the entrance of the District Grand Prefect for West Lancashire. The District Grand Prefect Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape was escorted to his seat in District Grand Council and saluted with the District Sword and Standard a practice seldom seen outside of West Lancashire.
Organist plays incidental music
District Grand Council was opened by the District Grand Prefect. The first Item on the agenda was to remember those Brethren who had been called to higher service. After the usual Salutations there was a muster roll call for District Grand Officers and Councils of West Lancashire. There then followed items of a domestic nature which included the election of District Grand Treasurer, Worshipful Brother Brian C. Povey Past District Grand Junior Deacon was confirmed Treasurer. Worshipful Brother William Lawrence Richmond was re-appointed Deputy District Grand Prefect and saluted by the Brethren of West Lancashire. The District Grand Prefect Appointed and Invested his Officers for 2018/19 and they too were saluted.
W.Bro. Ainsworth ready for lunch
Brethren enjoy an aperitif
Visiting D.C picking up tips
The District Grand Prefect addressed District Grand Council, he welcomed all the Distinguished Brethren and thanked them for their attendance, he also congratulated those receiving appointments and promotions and thanked the retiring officers for their past service. A collection took place for charitable causes. There being no other business the District Grand Prefect
closed District Grand Council. After the National Anthem the District Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and the Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect retired from the temple.
A trio of District Grand Prefects
Treasurer counting the cash
Brethren in V.I.P. lounge
After a Team photo we repaired to the bar / dining room for a refreshing pre-luncheon drink. We were soon called to take our seats where we partook of a splendid three course Lunch followed by tea / coffee. The toasts and responses on these occasions seem to be kept reasonably short and today was no exception. We were soon homeward bound another job done, and well done to.   
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan